Registrations now open !! : Eradicate Cancer 2020 Next frontiers in immunotherapy

We are excited to announce that registrations & abstract submissions for Eradicate Cancer 2020 are now open!

The field of immunotherapy against cancers is making unprecedented progress. The Eradicate Cancer Conference “Can advanced immunotherapy make it possible?” held in March 2018 was a resounding success and the delegates have confirmed they would be there when held again. It made a great impact with its highest quality international presentations, thoroughly engaging and informative Open Public Forum, and important buy-in from clinicians, scientists, Federal and State Governments and the commercial sector.

Accordingly, we are delighted to announce Eradicate Cancer 2 “Next Frontiers in Immunotherapy” from 25th-27th March 2020. It will again be held in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Click here to register