Rearming the body’s immune system to fight cancer

We’re developing more precise and more accessible treatment alternatives for patients with solid cancers

Pioneering excellence in the field of immunotherapy

Cartherics creates precisely-defined immunotherapy treatments to combat a variety of cancers. We combine the best components of immune targeting utilising gene editing and CAR technology to advance cell therapy to provide more diverse off-the-shelf treatments for patients. Our team has strong backgrounds in research, development, and product commercialisation. And we partner with leading commercial and academic groups with complementary technology to push the boundaries of cell therapy for cancer.

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Latest news

Cartherics CEO Alan Trounson answers questions on treating cancer – ‘Can we enclose cancer before it spreads?’

By Karen Loudon / November 26, 2019
As part of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering’s (ATSE) Ask an Expert series from our newsletter #TechKnow, Professor Alan Trounson...
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Recharging California’s Stem Cell Research Capacity

By Karen Loudon / November 20, 2019
Image: Robert Klein is finalizing a ballot initiative that asks California voters to re-fund the state’s stem cell agency. MEDIANEWS...
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Cartherics CEO and IVF Pioneer Alan Trounson joins ABC RN’s Science Friction

By Karen Loudon / October 25, 2019
A mystery and a minefield: in the 1980s, two Californian millionaires land in Melbourne hoping to have a child using...
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